The Rotary Club of Coleraine which was founded on 21st July 1939 as one of the clubs in District 1160 (Ireland) of Rotary International with RIBI Charter No. 494.
Coleraine is the 7th oldest club in Ireland.
Rotary International is a global network of service volunteers. It is the world's largest service organisation for business and professional people, with 33,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. The members of these autonomous clubs are called Rotarians, and they form a global network of 1.2 million business and professional leaders, all volunteering their time and talents to serve their communities and the world. There are some 50,000 Rotarians in Great Britain and Ireland in 1,750 clubs, helping those in need and working towards world understanding and peace. Its a fulfilling role, and Rotarians can get involved as much or as little as their time will allow.
But there is much more. Clubs meet on a regular basis, which allows members to build firm friendships. Every Rotarian has a right to attend any Club meeting anywhere in the world, so there is always somewhere to go, and people to meet, wherever business or leisure travel may take you.
Various Clubs have different emphases, which can reflect differences in size. A small market town may have a Club of perhaps 20 members, whereas in large centres the number can be closer to 100. Some concentrate on local community or vocational projects. Others link up with a sister club in another country to undertake an international project. Each Club decides how it wants to use the resources it has available.